Warragul Primary School
Be Safe, Be Fair, Think, Learn and Care
Teaching & Learning
The primary years are a time of skill acquisition, equipping our students with the tools and problem-solving skills they will need to become effective lifelong learners.
In small classes with exceptional teachers, students develop the confidence to become independent thinkers and learners, willing to ask questions, take learning risks, explore ideas and listen to others to absorb new learning. Our teachers plan for different learning rates and styles. They are experts at differentiating to cater for the range of student development, using a variety of delivery methods and catering for different learning styles, all based on world-wide research around high impact teaching strategies.
Our students are well supported through each step of their learning and education, preparing them for their life after they leave Warragul Primary School.
At Warragul Primary School we concentrate on creating:
Confident Communicators;
Imaginative Thinkers; and
Informed Citizens
Warragul Primary School provides students with the literacy knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence to effectively communicate in our ever-changing world.
Our school strives to build a shared vision of accuracy, fluency and purpose, where every student is challenged and supported to achieve continuous improvement and success.
Children listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on spoken, written and multimodal texts across a range of contexts and are encouraged to respond to what they read and write to strengthen their development and appreciation of using the English language. As they dive into their literary discovery, we observe students enjoying and developing a real sense of English literature, specifically its richness and power to evoke feelings, convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction with others, entertain and persuade.
All students study a sequential English Program which incorporates a variety of high impact teaching and learning strategies based on the Victorian Curriculum. Warragul Primary School places emphasis on developing effective communication by focusing on purposeful language interactions in every classroom, for every child.
At Warragul Primary School we follow a systemic synthetic approach to teaching phonics. This is a sequential process of learning the relationship between written letters and their sounds and then blending them together. This skill set assists with learning to read and spell in line with the most extensive and up to date literacy research. We take an explicit teaching approach and then allow students to learn through hands on activities.
The curriculum separates the English Domain into three strands:
And the Three Language Modes:
Reading and Viewing
Speaking and Listening
Mathematics at Warragul Primary School is a positive experience in which students acquire the skills necessary for living in and making sense of the world around us. Our Mathematics curriculum provides a framework for approaching problems encountered in everyday life. Students develop a common language that enables them to discuss the knowledge and understandings gained through collaborative learning and problem-solving experiences.
Warragul Primary School endeavours to equip students with Mathematical knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence. This enables them to effectively respond, contribute and develop their ability to use strategies for inquiry to obtain and describe answers to mathematical questions arising from both mathematical and everyday (real life) situations.
Based on the Victorian Curriculum, our Mathematics program separates the Maths Domain into three strands:
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
Specialist Areas:
At Warragul Primary School your child will learn with purpose. Children learn best when they are happy, challenged, interested and engaged, incorporating these considerations within each of our classrooms we develop fun ways for children to learn, and focus on growing the individual’s mind.
We offer a fantastic range of specialist classes. We know your child will love learning at Warragul Primary School.
At Warragul Primary School our Science program aims to engage and encourage students’ curiosity and critical thinking skills. Our students participate in a wide range of activities that develop their inquiry and investigative abilities.
Science in the Victorian Curriculum consists of two interconnected strands: Science Understanding and Science Inquiry skills.
Science Understanding is comprised of:
Chemical Science
Physical Science
Earth and Space Science
Biological Science.
Throughout each of these learning areas students learn to ask questions, make predictions, analyse results and data, communicate their ideas and understand how science can relate to their everyday lives.
In addition, students at Warragul Primary School show enthusiasm, excitement and wonder as they explore the scientific world around them.
Visual Arts
At Warragul Primary School, all students experience a weekly Visual Arts program filled with highly creative tasks that support innovation, explore new meaning and foster expressions of self. We are always striving to develop the Visual Arts program, which allows students to be creative, stimulated, motivated and excited about their art making. All students have an opportunity to develop their skills and build knowledge as they learn about:
Effective techniques and finding new ways of expressing themselves in a comfortable and supportive environment
Famous Artists and their artwork
Interpreting and responding to their artwork and the artwork of others
The history of Art and how it can be used in modern, real-world creativity.
Visual Arts is a positive and enriching part of the curriculum. It allows individuals the opportunity to express themselves with ideas through the ‘Elements of Art’ which are covered throughout the year and for all year levels.
The students learn, explore, and develop their artistic skills in:
Form and space
Physical and Sport Education (PASE) at Warragul Primary School involves our students becoming active members of our school and broader community. Students enhance their physical capabilities through individual and team-based sports and activities as well as developing problem solving, leadership, sportsmanship, and co-operative skills. Our current PASE program enables students to build on these skills and compete in a variety of sports at a school-based level in addition to interschool levels. Examples of this include our Athletics program, Cross Country events, Winter sports program and Hoop Time event. In our junior and senior school, PASE utilises local and Melbourne based community groups to provide expert coaching sessions allowing students to try new and exciting team based sports from experts in their field.
Warragul Primary school will begin teaching Auslan to all students from Foundation to Year 6 in 2023.
Auslan is short for Australian sign language, a language developed by, and for, Australians who are deaf or hearing impaired. It’s a visual form of communication that uses hand, arm and body movements to convey meaning.
Auslan will be taught for 1 hour a week as part of LOTE and will complement student English literacy skills
Education Support Teachers
Our team of Education Support Teachers work across classrooms from F – 6 to support and enhance teaching and learning throughout the school.
Intervention programs offered, support and supplement the classroom programs for selected students who need additional assistance.
Learning Support Programs
Warragul Primary School targets learning to individuals providing intervention for all students from Year F – 6.
Students requiring additional support in English have the opportunity to participate in our Learning Support program allowing students to work in small, targeted groups to fast track their reading and writing skills.
Students performing at an advanced level are also provided with the opportunity to work in small, targeted groups to further advance their learning.